Below are some questions we thought some of you might like to know before visiting us on Sunday.


When are services?

Every Sunday, we have a Sunday school at 9:30 am for all ages and a main service at 10:45 am. Our service lasts approximately an hour and 15 minutes. We’d encourage you to arrive 15 minutes early, especially if you have young children. That will give you plenty of time to get your children checked in at their classrooms prior to Sunday School or the service.

How should I dress?

We want you to feel comfortable. We are thrilled that you’re joining us and we want you to be more focused on who you’re worshiping than what you’re wearing. Most people dress casual though a few still prefer to put on their “Sunday best,” and that’s fine too (we even get an occasional bow tie).

How do I get to Fellowship Bible Church?

Check out the directions page to get directions from anywhere in northwest Arkansas.

Where do my kids go?

Kids from infants-6th grade will take part in our children’s ministry. Each weekend kids from infants through two years old learn age appropriate lessons from God’s word, the Bible. Just ask any greeter where the Sunday School area is and find the room that is your child’s age.  Also, during the regular service, children ages 3-12 are dismissed for children’s church, prior to the sermon.

For your older “kids” both Jr. High and High School meet in the youth room at 9:30 am for Sunday School.

Wednesday night is a family night at the church open to all.  Adventure Club (see Children’s ministries) meets 6-8pm.  Youth group involving both Jr. High and High School (see Student ministries) meet from 6-8pm. While your kids are with us, parents are encouraged to consider other adult ministries Prayer 6-6:45 pm, Choir 7-7:45 pm, or bible teaching 7-7:45 pm.

Is there someone I can talk to about getting more involved?

We love new families who want to join with us. Feel free to talk with one of our elders or greeters after the main service to learn more about how you and your family can be involved at FBC. You can use our contact page to send an email to our pastor.  You can also sign up at the church to join our Private Facebook group or email list for regular church announcements & prayer requests.