Our aim in the Youth Group Ministry is first and foremost to glorify God by coming alongside the families of 7th – 12th-grade students at Fellowship Bible Church in the shepherding of their children. We firmly believe that the only means by which hearts can be challenged and changed is through the Word of God and therefore everything we do as a ministry centers around the faithful teaching and applying of scriptural truth to the lives of the students.

Youth Group. Our students meet together on Wednesday nights from 6-8pm at the church. This fall the youth are studying Matthew 5-7 (Sermon on the Mount) through teaching and breakout groups. We seek to emphasize their relationship to God, to believers, to the world/unbelievers, as well as an understanding of the condition of their own heart.

Our students also get plenty of time to have fun, play games, and have special outings together as while they grow in the Lord.

Ascend Camp.  Each summer our junior high and high school youth join like minded churches at Ascend Camp for 5 days of expositional preaching, Christ-exalting music, and exciting games. Our desire is that our youth will be affected by the teaching, that it will have a lasting impact on their lives, and that they might come to know the Lord or deepen their relationship with Him.
